AI and Product Managers, The Perfect Love Story.

AI and Product Managers, The Perfect Love Story.

So, you know how AI is like that mysterious crush you've always wanted to impress but didn't quite know how? Well, I recently took this AI for Product Management course, and let me tell you, it's been like a match made in algorithmic heaven. Walk with me Guys.


Ever wondered if AI and Product Management could be a dynamic duo? Buckle up, because I've just returned from a course that made me realize AI isn't targeted at making things complicated for you as a product managers; it's about simplifying the complex manual processes and turning your product into a futuristic masterpiece.

AI isn't just about complex algorithms and endless lines of code. It's like that superhero who steps in and makes your product decisions a thousand times smarter. Now, let's debunk a myth: AI isn't here to steal away the jobs of future PMs. Instead, it's paving the way for AI-powered features to be as common as internet memes. And here's the real kicker: while AI features will be as rampant as memes on the internet, the PM remains the secret sauce.

As Product Managers, you're not just driving the AI-powered car; you're the GPS, the one ensuring it reaches the right destination. So, when the world starts buzzing with more advanced AI features, remember: AI is not a threat but your strategic sidekick.

Two Ways to Think About AI as Product Managers:

Now, when it comes to AI, we've got to think of it as our trusted toolbox. One, it's here to help us build and refine our product, making it the superhero of internal processes. Two, it's like a power-up feature you can seamlessly integrate into your product—a bit like giving your product a turbo boost.

Some common questions are; Why can't we allow AI totally build a product itself? Why does AI need a good Product Manager to be its wingman? To answer, it's simply because having great AI doesn't automatically mean you've got a great product. It's like having a powerful engine; you still need a skilled driver. And in the AI context, who's responsible for holding the steering wheel? You guessed it—the Product Manager. Think of it as what Pendo calls "Human Centric AIOPS"- Manual Processes with AI Assistance.

Few ways PMs can leverage AI include:

  • Product Analytics

  • Customer Feedback & NPS (Net Promoter Score)

  • Roadmap Optimization & Prioritization

  • Backlog Management

Product-Led Organization: The AI Playground:

Product-led organizations, which are characterized by their ability to align every function around the product; not only excel in creating amazing user onboarding experiences but can also take it a step further by integrating generative AI into user onboarding. In the end, it's not just about getting smarter; it's about being more effective, improving product delivery, and conveniently skyrocketing your product's usability rates.

But wait, there's more. For every product-led organization that harness the power of AI, there's a commitment to responsibility. They not only embrace AI but also develop and adhere to AI guiding principles. It's like having a general guidebook for every team to ensure the ethical and effective use of AI, preventing any accidental missteps. So, when your organization becomes an AI playground, it's not just about having fun with technology; it's about ensuring every team has the tools and principles to make AI a force for good in your product journey.


Taking this AI course wasn't just about acing a test; it was like discovering the cheat codes to leveling up in Product Management through AI, rather than considering it a threat.

So dear Product Managers, if AI seems like that intimidating crush you're hesitant to approach, fear not. It's not a distant deity; it's the buddy who has come to stay. Embrace it, because in the real sense, we are all AI Product Managers. 😁

Cheers to a future where AI and Product Management share more than just a workspace—they share a love story written in code. 🥂